Manage item prices at customer level, and don’t fret over wrong sales order generation
Customer Quotation from has complete customer details, order details payment terms and beyond. There are options providing, quantity, unit price and taxes and discounts in the order line. Other information such as sales rep details, invoicing status also available right within the quotation. The insightful options provided in quotation prevent you from generating wrong sales orders. You can configure your own template based on the requirement.
Editing the discount tab to fit the client’s needs.
Get alerts when items need to be delivered
Automated alerts or notifications for the items to be delivered are allowed in Scopex.
Realtime Track and control every sales order’s status
Track and control different stages of sales order. (Draft- waiting- ready-done.)
When quotation is filled the sales order is by default in draft stage.
Validate backordering for out of stock products
When there are not enough inventories the app communicates with you to make the process convenient. Track every stock move from purchase – warehouse bin -sales order since the modules are integrated with warehouse/inventory.
Feasibility for partial invoices against order
Scopex allows you to have partial invoices against partial delivery orders.
Track payment status for each order.
Invoice page has different stages such as DRAFT, OPEN, PAID. By default invoice is in DRAFT stage. You have to validate to move it to OPEN stage and you have to trigger the register payment for the stage to move to PAID which means that you received your payment on delivering the order. Scopex allows to